Praus Productions, Traditional Photography at its best

Film Developing at the highest quality in the digital age!

For over 25 years we've been providing professional photographers, fine artists, and serious amateurs with custom photo laboratory services. Because of our quality and service, we've prospered while our competitors have come and gone.

We work with people worldwide – please explore our website and contact us with your questions.




About Praus Productions


The photography industry is undergoing rapid and dramatic changes, but two things remain absolute: Traditional photographers still need fast, clean, and consistent film processing. And they need quality custom prints for displays and portfolios. But with most of the local and regional traditional photo labs closing, many people have difficulty finding a photo lab that does a good job with these essentials.

Praus Productions started in 1984, back "in the day" of a robust commercial photographic industry. Professional photographers in Upstate New York quickly learned to trust Edgar Praus with their most valuable assignments and clients. Now that commercial photography is predominantly digital-based, Edgar has found a new clientele: Artists, photo students, serious amateurs, and the occasional retrograde professional photographer, all on a nation-wide, mail-order basis. In many ways this new clientele is even more demanding than the last generation's professionals and Praus Productions has risen to the challenge whilst nearly all of its competitors have fallen by the wayside. Praus Productions is truly the "Last Wet Lab".


Photograph of Edgar courtesy of Dustin McKibben


Edgar Praus


After graduating from the well-respected Master of Fine Arts photography program at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Edgar worked as a professional photographer for several years. "I found that I loved the quiet times in the darkroom best – I'm a perfectionist and have always loved making the finest prints possible."

His photo business evolved into a full-time photo lab, and Edgar specialized in doing fine black-and-white work. He was also one of the few people making color prints using the beautiful but challenging dye transfer process.

As color technology changed, Edgar became a consultant and helped refine current E-6, C-41, RA-4, and Cibachrome color processes. "Today’s color printing technology is better than ever – and we helped create it here at Praus Productions."

In his spare time, Edgar is the founder – and primary photographer – of the American Highway Project, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to preserving America’s roadside culture through photographic documentation. Be sure to visit the AHP website at

Contact Edgar: